G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan 2022-2024
The Anti-Corruption Action Plan (2022-2024) focuses on areas where the G20 continues to set an example and bring value to global action. This Action Plan is guided by the political declaration of the first United Nations General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) against corruption, which the G20 supported, as well as the first G20 Anti-Corruption Ministerial Communiqué. In this sense, the plan focuses on the recovery of possessions, law enforcement cooperation, information sharing, technology, among others.
Publication year: 2021
Author: G20
Promoting Entity:
More information: https://www.unodc.org/documents/corruption/G20-Anti-Corruption-Resources/Action-Plans-and-Implementation-Plans/2021_G20_Anti-Corruption_Action_Plan_2022-2024.pdf