Jobs for the boys. Chair Dancing. Boycracy. Assault on the State. We are all familiar with these expressions, which suggest the existence of favoritism and politicization in the allocation of jobs in the public administration. We also all recognize the need to clarify the role of appointments for political parties and the processes of delegation of competencies between the governing parties and the public administration. This essay aims to open this black box. It frames the issue and identifies possible points of balance between democratic control of the administration and limiting politicians’ leeway in choosing leaders. And it advances three proposals that promise to stimulate discussion about strategies to contain the damage of the politicization of public services. Because it is urgent to limit, improve, and demand.
Publication year: 2020
Author: Patrícia Silva
D. in Political Science, she is a researcher at the Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies Research Unit (GOVCOPP) and an Invited Assistant Professor at the University of Aveiro. His main research interests focus on political parties, delegation models and politicization of the public administration elite.
Promoter Entity: Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation (FFMS)
More information: https://www.ffms.pt/publicacoes/detalhe/4947/jobs-for-the-boys-as-nomeacoes-para-a-administracao-publica
ISBN: 978-989-9004-25-2
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