Research work that addresses the study of informational needs related to the management of actions to prevent and combat corruption in a legal body of the Federal Public Administration. Its objective was to conceive an applied information system, seeking to study the human resources, the processes, and the information technology resources of the analyzed organ, with an additional methodology proposal of an applied intelligence cycle. It analyzed, under the tripartite aspect, subjects related to Law (applied to the prevention and combat of corruption), Information Technology, and Information Science. The methodology adopted prioritized concurrent mixed methods, with a focus on the qualitative strategy. Data on the characteristics of the activities and the management of actions to prevent and combat corruption were collected in interviews with members of the body, belonging to the group specialized in the theme, after systematic observation of daily activities.
The results presented provide public and private organizations with information system planning related to this informational environment. The research aimed to identify the organizational structure of PGU and similar bodies dealing with this issue, the body’s information organization culture, and information and computer techniques and tools that could be applied to the management of data and information related to the prevention and fight against corruption. The problem addressed was the identification of informational needs for the design of an information system capable of promoting the management of actions to prevent and combat corruption in the Office of the Attorney General of the Union. The final result is the proposal of an applied information system, allied to an intelligence cycle for the activities of prevention and combat of corruption in public agencies or private organizations.
Publication Year: 2018
Student: Flávia Sofia Fonseca Madeira
Advisor: Prof. Dr. António José Santos Morão Lourenço
Program: Master in Accounting and Finance
University: Santarém School of Technology and Management – Santarém Polytechnic Institute
More information: https://repositorio.ipsantarem.pt/handle/10400.15/2342