Corruption is pervasive in healthcare to the extent that it has become normalized. From politician to patient, corruption is part of business in the healthcare sector all over the world. Research conducted by Transparency International’s Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Programme (PHP) has shown that individuals in the healthcare sector do not always understand what corruption is and how it can undermine their work. In contrast, anti-corruption experts do not always understand and address the complexity of the healthcare system. This map – a project that will be kept up to date – attempts to bridge that gap by providing, for the first time, a comprehensive and accessible guide to a health care system and the types of corruption that can occur.
Information gathered from a literature review, key informant interviews, and a survey of health professionals was used to identify the main types of corruption in the health sector and provide contextual information on the profile for each type. The result is 37 types of corruption organized into eight areas of a health system. (Translation)
Year of publication: 2016
Promoter: Transparency International – Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Programme
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