The set of articles that make up the project reflects the reflection of some elements of the Economics and Fraud Management Observatory (holders of experience between academia and the territories of control and prevention of management risks in public and private organizations), on the problem of risks of fraud and corruption in the process of allocation of financial support by the European Union to Member States in the current situation of the pandemic caused by Covid-19.
Publication year: 2021
Author: António João Maia
Professor of Ethics in the Public Administration courses at the Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas of the University of Lisbon, vice-president of the Observatory of Economics and Fraud Management (OBEGEF) at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Porto, member of the Council for the Prevention of Corruption and criminal investigator for the Judiciary Police.
Promoting Entity: Livraria Almedina
More information: https://www.almedina.net/riscos-de-fraude-e-corrupcao-no-programa-de-financiamento-europeu-reflexoes-e-alertas-1621597361.html
ISBN: 9789724095875