In 1946, Heider developed Sign Graph Theory in order to describe the emotional relationships between people belonging to the same social group. In this paper, we study graph partitioning problems associated with structural equilibrium, which in the Computer Science literature are known as correlation clustering (CC) problems, and a relaxed version (RCC). The solutions to the CC and RCC problems have been previously used in the literature as tools for evaluating structural equilibrium in a social network. The goal of this paper is to apply the solutions to these problems to detect corruption in public procurement. To this end, integer linear programming formulations that exist in the literature for these problems are used. In addition, a probabilistic model for Structural Equilibrium is also discussed and the solutions of these problems are applied to the detection of corruption cases
existing in public bidding.
Keywords: Structural Equilibrium, Signal Graphs, Correlation Clustering, Corruption Detection.
Publication Year: 2017
Student: Vitor dos Santos Ponciano
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Malheiros Gregório
Co-supervisor: Profa. Dr. Rosa Maria Videira de Figueiredo
Program: Master of Science in Mathematical and Computational Modeling
University: Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
More information: https://tede.ufrrj.br/jspui/handle/jspui/2386