Rule of Law Index
Analysis of the World Justice Project’s Rule of Law Index
Last year’s edition of the WJP Rule of Law Index revealed significant and negative declines in the rule of law around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2022 edition of the index indicates that the rule of law has continued to deteriorate in most countries around the world.
The three best performing countries this year were Denmark, Norway, and Finland. Venezuela RB, Cambodia and Afghanistan had the lowest scores in terms of rule of law.
The efficiency of the Portuguese justice system continues to be a challenge, having been ranked 20th out of 31 European countries and decreasing one point compared to 2021, especially with regard to Criminal Justice, Regulatory Enforcement, and Civil Justice.
Data source:
Analysis of the 2021 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), produced by Transparency International.
Analysis of the 2022 Economy and Society Digitization Index (DESI) in the 27 Member States of the European Union.
Performance of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), before the European elections of 26th May 2019.
Evaluation of the implementation of Transparency International’s OECD Anti-Bribery Convention between 2018-2021